Browse through all the characters and find the ones who fit into Leeanne's Circle of Support.
Retired policeman
Lovely man. In his 70s and still rides a motorbike.
Legal secretary
Works part time at a big law firm in town. Makes the best cup cakes ever.
Army medic
Not home on leave as often as Donnie would like, but when he is they have the best time.
Local councillor
Donnie’s dad has been serving the local community as an independent councillor for over twenty years. Before that he worked as a paramedic.
Jean has looked after Logan and his sister since they were little. Loves detective programmes and line dancing. Does volunteer work in a charity shop three days a week.
Martha’s recently opened her own salon. She’s brilliant at her job – and knows everybody.
Modern Studies Teacher
Nicest teacher in the school.
School nurse
Always really kind.
School office
Mad hair but lovely lady.
Pastoral care
Always there if we need to talk.
Family GP
Knows all the family. Great doctor.
The Vet
Loves animals and is a good listener.
The Dentist
Makes perfect smiles.
Very friendly. Helps older people with their shopping.
Knows loads of stuff about books and the local community.
Swimming instructor
Health and fitness expert.
Driving Instructor
What she doesn’t know about driving isn’t worth knowing.
Lollipop man
Always there, whatever the weather.
Road Safety Officer
Expert on all sorts of road safety issues.
Family support.
Always open, call 0800 1111.
For Scotland’s vulnerable children and families.
Child protection: including physical and psychological abuse at home, bullying, cyber-bullying.
Help and advice if you’re being bullied.
You helped Leanne to understand who they can turn to for support.