The Risk Factor

Would you do a bungee jump?
Would you do a bungee jump over water?
Would you bungee jump over crocodile-infested waters?
Listen to music when walking on a pavement?
Listen to music when you cross the road?
Listen to music and text when crossing the road?
Would you jump an amber light on your bike?
Would you jump a red light on your bike?
Would you nip the wrong way down a one way street on your bike?
Have a go at juggling with three balls?
Juggle with three knives?
Juggle with three chainsaws…blindfolded?
Would you run across a busy road?
Would you run across a busy country road?
Would you run across a motorway?
Try cabbage-flavoured ice-cream?
Try cabbage-flavoured ice-cream with a sprinkling of chocolate covered crickets?
Try cabbage-flavoured ice-cream with chocolate covered crickets and a big slimy slug on top?
Would you sunbathe without sunblock?
Would you sunbathe on a float in the sea?
Would you sunbathe in the sea when the red flag is flying?
Ask a friend to drive you home?
Ask a friend to drive faster because you’re in a hurry?
Ask a friend to drive you home without wearing your seatbelt?
How about a white knuckle-ride?
Would you go on a white knuckle-ride while the guy in front is being sick?
A white-knuckle ride without being strapped in?
Would you cycle without lights in the dark?
Would you cycle without lights in the dark on the road?
Cycle without lights in the dark on a road without holding on to the handle bars?
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