We promote road safety awareness in Scotland

Let's make 2025 safer together.

Latest Campaigns


Keep your mind on the road

Distractions are one of the most common causes of incidents on the road. Stay focused when you’re on the road.

Drink driving

Remember, it's none for the road.

One drink can put you over the limit, and you can still be over the limit the morning after.

Driver fatigue

Driving Tired Kills

Fatigue causes hundreds of accidents each year and are roughly 50% more likely to result in death or serious injury.

Wear a seatbelt

Not wearing a seatbelt can have big consequences.
These statistics show the difference it makes.


Wearing a seatbelt reduces both fatal and non-fatal injuries by 60% among front seat passengers


Wearing a seatbelt reduces both fatal and non-fatal injuries by 44% among rear seat passengers


Only 75% of drivers considered not wearing a seatbelt as ‘very serious’, well below the 93% who consider drink driving and drug driving to be ‘very serious’

Children and Educators

Our teaching resources equip children with the skills, knowledge and attitudes that will help them stay safe now and in later life.

You can find here the latest copy of Road Safety Scotland’s ‘Road Safety Within Curriculum for Excellence’ booklet 2024-2025.

Partnered with

Scottish Government logo
Transport Scotland logo
Police Scotland logo
Public health Scotland logo
European transport safety council logo
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