Cross The Road With Ziggy
Ziggy has been learning all about road safety, and will show you how to cross the road safely!
For nursery and primary school levels:
- P1
Ziggy shows us how to cross the road safely in space
Read this Ziggy story together to show very young children how to ‘stop, look, and listen’ when crossing roads – whether they’re near you, or in space!
You can read at your own pace using the arrows, and choose from English, Gaelic or Scots.

Cross the road with Ziggy
A’ dol thairis air an rathad le Siogaidh
Cross the road with Ziggy

This is how we cross the road in space…
Is ann mar seo a thèid sinn thairis air an rathad anns an fhànas…
This is hoo we cross the road in space…

We wait…
Bidh sinn a’ feitheamh…
We wait…

…with our toes behind the kerb.
Le ar n-òrdagan air ais bho oir an rathaid.
…wi wir taes ahint the kerb.

We hold hands…
Bidh grèim againn air làmhan a chèlle…
We hadd haands…

We look…
Bidh sinn a’ coimhead…
We luik…

We listen…
Bidh sinn ag èisteachd…
We use wir listenin lugs…

And when it’s safe…
Agus nuair a tha e sàbhailte…
An whin it’s safe…

We can cross the road.
Faodaidh sinn a dhol thairis air an rathad.
We can cross the road.