Ziggy and Maggie Start School
It's a big day for Ziggy and Maggie as they start their new school adventure!
For nursery and primary school levels:
- P1
Ziggy learns how to stay safe when crossing the road to school
In this Ziggy story, children get to know all the ways they can stay safe on the roads on the way to school. And Ziggy is going to share everything he’s learned about road safety with his friends on his own planet!
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Ziggy and Maggie Start School by Lynda Kennedy and Lynn Taylor
Siogaidh agus Magaidh a’ Tòiseachadh san Sgoil – Sgeulachd le Lynda Kennedy agus Dealbhan le Lynn Taylor
Ziggy an Maggie Stairt Schuil – Lynda Kennedy and Lynn Taylor
Shout ‘Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo’ to Ziggy!
It’s time for him to go back to his own planet.
So let’s make sure he knows how to Go Safe.
Èigh ‘Sab-a-Diong-a-Dù’ ri Siogaidh!
Tha an t-àm aige a dhol air ais chun à phlanaid aige fhèin.
Mar sin dèanamaid cinnteach gu bheil fios aige mar a ni e Siubhal Sàbhailte.
Shout ‘Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo’ tae Ziggy!
It’s time fir him tae gan back tae his ain planet.
Sae let’s mak shair he kens hou tae Gan Safe.

It’s only a few days until the start of the new school term.
Maggie and Ziggy can’t wait to start school.
Maggie is going to be a big Primary One.
Chan eil ann ach beagan làithean gus an tòisich teirm ùr na sgoile.
Tha ceud fadachd air Magaidh agus Siogaidh gus tòiseachadh san sgoil.
Tha Magaidh gu bhith na nighean mhòr air Prìomh a h-Aon.
It’s jist a few days tae the stert o the new scuil term.
Maggie an Ziggy cannae wait tae stert the scuil.
Maggie is gan tae be a big Primary Yin.

And Ziggy’s going to be a big Nanoo-Nee-Nee-Na-Na.
That’s what they call Primary One on Ziggy’s planet, you see.
I wonder what they call Primary Two?
Agus tha Siogaidh gu bhith na Nanù-Nì-Nì-Nà-Nà mòr.
Sin a chanas iad ri Priomh a h-Aon air planaid Siogaidh.
Saoil de a th’ aca air Prìomh a Dhà?
An Ziggy’s gan tae be a big Nanoo-Nee-Nee-Na-Na.
That’s whit they caw Primary yin oan Ziggy’s planet, ye see.
A wunner whit they caw Primary Twa?

There’s still a lot to do before school starts.
‘We’d better make a list to take to the shops,’ says Mum and spreads a big piece of paper on the table.
Can you remember all the things you need for starting school?
Tha tòrr ri dhèanamh fhathast mus tòisich an sgoil.
‘S fheàrr dhuinn liosta a dhèanamh airson a thoirt chun na bùithean, ’arsa Mamaidh ‘s i sgaoileadh pìos pàipear mòr a-mach air a ’bhòrd.
An ciumhnich thu air a h-uile càil a dh’fheumas tu airson tòiseachadh san sgoil?
Thir’s still a lot tae dae afore the scuil sterts.
‘We’d better mak a list tae tak tae the shops,’ says Mum an spreads a bit o paper oan the table.
Can ye mind aw the things ye need fir stertin the scuil?

It’s time to go shopping.
Andrew, Maggie and Ziggy climb into their car-seats.
Ziggy is really going to miss his special seat.
Tha an t-àm ann a dhol dha na bùithean.
Tha Anndra, Magaidh agus Siogaidh a ’sreap a-steach dha na suidheachain-càir aca.
Tha Siogaidh gu bhith ag iondrainn an t-suidheachain shònraichte aige.
It’s time tae gan shoppin.
Andrew, Maggie an Ziggy sclim intae thir caur-seats.
Ziggy is really gan tae miss his special seat.

He takes a picture with his magic watch so that he can show his friends back home.
They won’t believe that all the kids on Earth get their own special car seat.
Lucky things.
Tha e a ’togail dealbh leis an uaireadair draoidheil aige gus an tèid aige air a shealltainn dha charaidean air ais aig an dachaigh.
Cha chreid iad gu bheil suidheachain-càir sònraichte aig gach pàiste air Talamh.
Nach iad a tha fortanach.
He taks a picter wi his magic watch sae he can show his friens back hame.
They’ll no believe that aw the weans oan Earth get thir ain special caur seat.
Lucky things.

Mum straps everyone in securely with their seatbelts.
‘There’s a lot of traffic today,’ says Ziggy.
‘Traffic,’ smiles Mum. ‘Great word, Ziggy.’
‘When I first came here I didn’t even know what traffic was,’ smiles Ziggy proudly.
Tha Mamaidh a’ ceangal a h-uile duine a steach gu tèarainte leis na criosan-suidheachain aca.
‘Tha tòrr trafaig ann an-diugh,’ arsa Siogaidh.
‘Trafaig,’ arsa Mamaidh le gàire.
‘Deagh fhacal, a Siogaidh.’
‘Nuair a thàinig mise an seo an-toiseach cha robh fios agam fiù ‘s dè bh’ ann an trafaig,’ arsa Siogaidh le gàire pròìseil.
Mum straps awbodie in ticht wi thir seatbelts.
‘Thir’s a wheen o traffic the day,’ seys Ziggy.
‘Traffic,’ smiles Mum.
‘Great word, Ziggy.’
‘When A furst came here A didnae even ken whit traffic wis,’ smiles Ziggy proodly.

‘I’ve always known about traffic,’ says Maggie.
‘Traffic is cars and buses and lorries and vans and trucks and more lorries and… and well I probably knew what traffic was before I was even born.’
‘Maggie knew what everything was before she was born,’ Andrew says, giving Ziggy a nudge.
‘Bha fios agamsa riamh mu thrafaig,’ thuirt Magaidh.
‘Is e trafaig… càraichean agus busaichean agus làraidhean agus bhanaichean agus làraidhean agus tuilleadh làraidhean agus… agus ‘s dòcha gun robh fios agam dè a bh’ ann an trafaig fiù ‘s mus do rugadh mi.’
‘Bha fios aig Magaidh dè a bh’ anns a h-uile càil mus deach a breith,’ arsa Anndra’s e toirt putag do Siogaidh.
‘A’ve ayeweys kent aboot traffic,’ seys Maggie.
‘Traffic is caurs an buses an lorries an vans an trucks an mair lorries an… an weil A mibbe kent whit traffic wis afore A wis even boarn.’
‘Maggie kent whit awthin wis afore she wis boarn,’ Andrew seys gien Ziggy a nudge.

Mum stops at a red traffic light.
Jasmine and her Daddy are standing with their bikes, waiting to cross the road.
‘They’re waiting for the green man to come on,’ smiles Ziggy.
Tha Mamaidh a ’stad aig solas trafaig dearg.
Tha Jasmine agus a h-Athair nan seasamh leis na baidhsagalan aca, a ’feitheamh ri dhol tarsainn air an rathad.
‘Tha iad a’ feitheamh ris an duine uaine tighinn air,’ arsa Siogaidh le gàire.
Mum stoaps at a reid traffic licht.
Jasmine an her Daddy are staunin wi thir bikes, waitin tae cross the road.
‘They’re waitin fir the green man tae come oan,’ smiles Ziggy.

The shopping centre is really busy and everyone cheers when Mum eventually finds a parking space.
Andrew, Maggie and Ziggy wait until Mum comes round to open the door for them.
Tha an aonad bhùithean uabhasach trang agus tha a h-uile duine a’ leigeil èigh nuair a tha Mamaidh mu dheireadh thall à faighinn àite-parcaidh.
Tha Anndra, Magaidh agus Siogaidh a’ feitheamh gus an tig Mamaidh timcheall airson an doras fhosgladh dhaibh.
The shoppin centre is gey busy an awbodie cheers when Mum fins a parkin space at last.
Andrew, Maggie an Ziggy wait til Mum comes roon tae open the door fir them.

‘Now what do we have to remember about car parks?’ asks Mum.
‘That it takes ages to find a parking space,’ mutters Maggie cheekily.
‘Car parks are just funny shaped roads,’ says Ziggy.
‘Nis dè dh’fheumas sinn a chuimhneachadh mu phàircean chàraichean?’ arsa Mamaidh.
‘Gu bheil e a’ toirt ùineachan àite-pàrcaidh fhaighinn,’ tha Magaidh a’ brunndail gu bragail.
‘S e direach rathaidean a th’ ann am pàircean chàraichean le cumadh neònach,’ arsa Siogaidh.
‘Nou whit dae we hiv tae mind aboot caur parks?’ asks Mum.
‘That it taks ages tae fin a parkin space’ mutters Maggie cheekily.
‘Caur parks are jist funny shaped roads,’ seys Ziggy.

‘So we always have to hold hands and keep looking and listening for cars.’
‘That’s right,’ says Mum.
‘I knew that,’ says Maggie.
‘I am nearly in Primary One, you know.’
‘Mar sin, feumaidh sinn daonnan greim a chumail air làmhan agus cumail a’ coimhead agus ag èisteachd airson càraichean.’
‘Tha sin ceart, ’arsa Mamaidh.
‘Bha fiosam air an sin,’ arsa Magaidh.
‘Nach eil fhios agad gu bheil mise cha mhòr air Prìomh a h-Aon.’
‘Sae we ayeweys hiv tae haud hauns an keep luikin and listenin fir caurs.’
‘That’s richt,’ seys Mum.
‘A kent that,’ seys Maggie.
‘A’m nearly in Primary Yin, ye ken.’

The shopping centre is huge.
Ziggy likes the supermarket.
But the best bit of all is the row upon row of big, fat juicy cabbages.
Ziggy wishes he could jump in and gobble them all up.
Tha an aonad bhùithean uabhasach mòr.
‘S toil le Siogaidh a mhòr-bhùth.
Ach ‘s e an rud as fheàrr buileach na sreathan às dèidh sreath de chàl mòr, reamhar.
B’ fhèarr le Siogaidh gum b’ urrainn dha leum a-steach agus an ithe uile.
The shoppin centre is muckle.
Ziggy likes the supermarket;
Bit the best ava is the row upon row o big, bowsie juicy cabbages.
Ziggy wishes he cuid lowp in an gobble them aw up.

It’s the first day of term.
Andrew and Maggie both look very smart in their school uniforms.
The family walk to school together. Ziggy can’t believe that this time tomorrow he’ll be starting school too.
‘S e chiad latha dhen teirm ùr a th’ ann.
Tha Anndra is Magaidh a’ coimhead gu math spaideil nan èideadh sgoile.
Tha an teaghlach a’ coiseachd dhan sgoil còmhla.
Chan urrainn do Siogaidh a chreidsinn gu bidh esan a ’tòiseachadh san sgoil cuideachd mun aon àm a-màireach.
It’s the furst day o term.
Andrew and Maggie baith luik verra smert in thir scuil uniforms.
The faimilie waulk tae the scuil thegither.
Ziggy cannae believe that this time the morra he’ll be stertin the scuil an aw.

Ziggy and Maggie help Mum and Andrew find a safe place to cross.
‘This is a good place to cross,’ says Maggie, ‘because we can see the traffic coming and the traffic can see us.’
Tha Siogaidh agus Magaidh a ’cuideachadh Mamaidh agus Anndra àite sàbhailte fhaighinn airson a dhol tarsainn an rathaid.
’S e deagh àite a tha seo airson a dhol tarsainn,’ arsa Magaidh, ‘a chionn ‘s gum faic sinn an trafaig a’ tighinn agus chì an trafaig sinne.’
Ziggy and Maggie help Mum an Andrew fin a safe place tae cross.
‘This is a guid place tae cross,’ seys Maggie, ‘for we can see the traffic comin an the traffic can see us.’

‘And we have to use our ears too,’ says Ziggy, ‘to make sure we can hear the traffic coming.’
‘My two wee geniuses,’ laughs Mum.
‘Now stay well back from the kerb and hold hands until it’s safe to cross.’
‘Agus feumaidh sinn ar cluasan a chleachdadh cuideachd,’ arsa Siogaidh, ‘gus dèanamh cinnteach gun cluinn sinn an trafaig a’ tighinn.’
‘An dà laoch bheag agam fhèin, arsa Mamaidh ‘s i gàireachdainn.
‘Nise fuirich gu math air ais bho oir an rathaid agus cùm greim air làmhan gus a bheil e sàbhailte a dhol tarsainn.’
‘An we hiv tae yaise oor lugs an aw,’ seys Ziggy, ‘tae mak shair we can hear the traffic comin.’
‘Ma twa wee geniuses,’ laughs Mum.
‘Nou stey weil back fae the kerb an haud hauns till it’s safe tae cross.’

‘I think kerbs are really clever,’ says Ziggy, taking a picture with his magic watch.
‘You do?’ says Maggie, thinking that sometimes Ziggy is quite a strange little alien indeed.
‘Kerbs are like the pavement’s way of saying stop without having to write stop all the way along the edge of the road.’
‘Tha mi smaointinn gu bheil oirean rathaid uabhasach glic,’ arsa Siogaidh, ‘s e togail dealbh leis an uaireadair draoidheil aige.
‘A bheil?’ arsa Magaidh, ‘s i a’ smaointinn gur e duine beag annasach bho thìr eile a th’ ann an Siogaidh uaireannan.
‘S e na h-oirean an dòigh a th’ aig a’ chabhsair air stad a ràdh gun a bhith a’ sgrìobhadh stad fad an t-slighe air oir an rathaid.’
‘A think kerbs are dead clever,’ seys Ziggy, takin a picter wi his magic watch.
‘Ye dae?’ seys Maggie, thinkin that sometimes Ziggy is a kinna strange wee alien richt enough.
‘Kerbs are lik the pavement’s wey o sayin stoap wi’oot hivin tae scrieve stoap aw the wey alang the edge o the road.’

Ziggy zaps his watch again and this time it projects the word stop all along the pavement.
Andrew gasps. ‘You’re right Ziggy. It would take someone a zillion years to write stop on the side of every road.’
‘And how silly would it be to do that?’ says Maggie.
‘Primary Ones can’t even read yet.’
Tha Siogaidh ‘a brùthadh an uaireadair aige a-rithist agus an turas seo tha e a’ cur an fhacail stad air taobh a’ chabhsair gu lèir.
Rinn Anndra osna. ‘Tha thu ceart a Shiogaidh. Bheireadh e sillean bhliadhna do chuideigin stad a sgrìobhadh air oir a h-uile rathad.’
‘Agus dè cho gòrach sa bhiodh sin?’ arsa Magaidh.
‘Chan urrainn do chlann Prìomh a h-Aon fiù ‘s leughadh fhathast.’
Ziggy zaps his watch yince mair an this time it sens oot the word stoap aw alang the pavement.
Andrew gasps. ‘Ye’re richt, Ziggy. It wid tak somebodie a zillion years tae scrieve stoap oan the side o everie road.’
‘An hou stupit wid that be?’ seys Maggie.
‘Primary Yins cannae even read yet.’

Everyone looks up and down the road to check that there’s no traffic coming.
Then they check again. The road is clear so it’s safe to cross.
And what do we always have to do when we cross the road?
‘Hold hands! ‘Look for traffic!’ ‘And Listen for traffic!’
Tha a h-uile duine a ’coimhead suas is sìos an rathad gus dèanamh cinnteach nach eil trafaig a’ tighinn.
An uair sin tha iad a’ toirt sùil eile.
Tha an rathad sàmhach. Mar sin, tha e sàbhailte a dhol tarsainn.
Agus dè a dh’fheumas sinn a dhèanamh daonnan nuair a thèid sinn tarsainn an rathad?
‘Cùm greim air làmhan a chèile! ‘Coimhead Agus Èist!
Awbodie luiks up an doon the road tae check there’s nae traffic comin.
Then they check yince mair.
The road is clear sae it’s safe tae cross.
An whit dae we ayeweys hiv tae dae when we cross the road?
Haud hauns! Luik for traffic! And listen for traffic!

Ziggy gives Maggie and Andrew a big kiss at the school gate.
‘Have a Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo first day, Maggie!’ says Ziggy.
‘And you have a Dab-a-Fingy-Doo last day!’ says Maggie, not getting it quite right.
‘I’ll try,’ mumbles Ziggy with a lump in his throat.
He’s going to miss his Earth family so much.
Tha Siogaidh a ’toirt pòg mhòr do Mhagaidh agus Anndra aig geata na sgoile.
‘An dòchas gum bidh ciad latha Sab-a-Diong-a-Dù agad, a Mhagaidh!’ arsa Siogaidh.
‘Agus an dòchas gum bidh latha mu dheireadh Dab-a-Fingi-Dù agad fhèin!’ arsa Magaidh, ‘s gun i ga fhaighinn builleach ceart.
‘Feuchaidh mi,’ tha Siogaidh a mablais le cnap na amhaich.
Tha e gu bhith ag ionndrainn an teaghlach Talmhainn aige cho mòr.
Ziggy gies Maggie an Andrew a big kiss at the scuil gate.
‘Hiv a Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo furst day, Maggie!’ seys Ziggy.
‘An you hiv a Dab-a-Fungy-Doo last day!’ seys Maggie, no gettin it jist richt.
‘A’ll try,’ mumbles Ziggy wi a lump in his thrapple.
He’s gan tae miss his Earth faimilie that much.

Ziggy takes Mum’s hand and they head home.
‘That was very clever what you said about kerbs this morning,’ says Mum trying to cheer Ziggy up, ‘that kerbs tell us to stop without any words.’
Tha Siogaidh a’ gabhail greim air làmh Mamaidh agus tha iad a’ tilleadh dhachaigh.
‘Bha na thuirt thu mu dheidhinn oirean an rathaid sa mhadainn gu math glic,’ arsa Mamaidh ‘s i feuchainn ri togail a toirt do Shiogaidh,
‘gu bheil oirean ag innse dhuinn stad gun a bhith a’ cleachdadh faclan sam bith.’
Ziggy taks Mum’s haun an they heid fir hame.
‘That was gey smert whit ye said aboot kerbs the morn,’ seys Mum tryin tae cheer Ziggy up, ‘that kerbs tell us tae stoap withoot onie words.’

Ziggy smiles and thinks for a moment.
‘Like a cuddle says I love you without any words?’
‘Just like that,’ says Mum and cuddles Ziggy tightly.
Tha Siogaidh a’ gàireachdaich sa smaointinn airson mionaid.
‘Mar a tha pòg ag ràdh Tha Gaol Agam Ort às aonais faclan sam bith?’
‘Dìreach mar sin,’ arsa Mamaidh ‘s i toirt pòg mhòr do Shiogaidh.
Ziggy smiles an thinks for a moment.
‘Lik a cuddle says A love ye withoot onie words?’
‘Jist like that,’ seys Mum and cuddles Ziggy tichtlie.

Mum has organised a tea party after school for Ziggy.
Andrew, Maggie and Jasmine are enjoying tucking into cheese sandwiches and Granny Walker’s special crispie cakes.
Tha Mamaidh air pàrtaidh tì a chuir air dòigh airson Siogaidh às dèidh na sgoile.
Tha e a’ còrdadh ri Anndra, Magaidh agus Jasmine a bhith ag ithe nan ceapairean càise agus na cèiceachan sònraichte aig Granaidh Walker.
Mum has pit oan a tea party efter scuil for Ziggy.
Andrew, Maggie an Jasmine are gettin tore intae cheese pieces an Grannie Walker’s special crispie cakes.

And Ziggy is enjoying tucking into cabbage sandwiches and cabbage cakes.
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!
Agus tha e a’ còrdadh ri Siogaidh a bhith ag ithe ceapairean càil agus na cèiceachan càil.
Ium, ium, ium, ium, ium!
An Ziggy is gettin tore intae cabbage pieces an cabbage cakes.
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!

Mum tells everyone to gather round and hands Ziggy an enormous box with a huge bow.
Tha Mamaidh ag iarraidh air a h-uile duine cruinneachadh timcheall agus tha i a‘ sìneadh bogsa mòr do Shiogaidh le riobain mòr air.
Mum tells awbodie tae gether roon an haunds Ziggy a muckle box wi a huge bow.

‘We’re going to really miss you Ziggy,’ says Maggie wiping a big tear from her eye.
‘Me too,’ said Ziggy. ‘But I’ve been working on a surprise of my own. I phoned my Daddy earlier and he’s set up a website for me, so we can play games together and keep in-touch.’
‘Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo!’ shrieks Maggie.
‘Tha sinn dol gad iondrainn gu mòr a Shiogaidh,’ arsa Magaidh ’s i suathadh deur mòr bho sùil.
‘Mise cuideachd,’ thuirt Siogaidh. ‘Ach tha mi air a bhith ag obair air rudeigin sònraichte mi fheìn. Dh’fhòn mi mo Dhadaidh na bu tràithe agus tha e air làrach-lion a chur air dòigh dhomh. Mar sin, faodaidh sinn geamachan a chluiche còmhla agus bruidhinn ri chèile.’
‘Sab-a-Diong-a-Dù!’ arsa Maghaidh le sgriach.
‘We’re gan tae really miss ye, Ziggy,’ seys Maggie dichtin a big tear fae her een.
‘Me an aw,’ said Ziggy. ‘Bit A’ve been workin oan a surprise o ma ain. A phoned ma Daddy a wee whyle ago an he’s set up a website fir me, so we can play games thegither an keep in touch.’
‘Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo!’ skrechs Maggie.

‘I think you’ve learned everything you need to know now Ziggy,’ says Mum squeezing Ziggy tightly.
‘And Maggie’s learned something very, very important too,’ says Ziggy very seriously.
‘Oh,’ says Mum. ‘What’s that?’
Ziggy roars with laughter.
‘How to say Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo!’
Tha mi a ’smaointinn gun do dh’ionnsaich thu a h-uile càil air am feum fios a bhith agad a-nis a Shiogaidh,’ arsa Mamaidh ‘s i a’ tarraing Siogaidh thuice gu teann.
‘Agus tha Magaidh air rudeigin uabhasach, uabhasach cudromach ionnsachadh cuideachd,’ arsa Siogaidh gu dùrachdach.
‘Oh,’ arsa Mamaidh. ‘Dè tha sin?’
Tha Siogaidh a’ lachanaich le gàire.
‘Mar a chanas tu Sab-a-Diong-a-Dù!’
‘A think ye’ve learnt awthin ye need tae ken nou Ziggy,’ seys Mum squeezin Ziggy tichtlie.
’An Maggie’s learnt something awfie, awfie important an aw,’ seys Ziggy very seriously.
‘Oh,’ seys Mum, ‘whit’s that?’
Ziggy roars wi lauchter.
‘Hou tae sey Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo!’

Ziggy can’t believe his eyes when he looks inside his present.
Mum has given him his car seat!
‘Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo!’ squeals Ziggy.
‘Now I’ll have a special seat like the rocket captains!’
Chan urrainn do Shiogaidh a shùilean a chreidsinn nuair a choimheadas e am broinn an bogsa aige.
Tha Mamaidh air an suidheachan-càir aige a thoirt dha!
‘Sab-a-Diong-a-Dù!’ tha Siogaidh a sgiamhail.
‘Nise bidh suidheachan sònraichte agam coltach ris na caipteanan rocaid!’
Ziggy cannae believe his een when he luiks inside his present.
Mum has gien him his caur seat!
‘Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo!’ squeals Ziggy.
‘Nou A’ll hiv a special seat lik the rocket captains!’

‘Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo,’ waves Ziggy as he gets ready to go into his rocket.
‘Remember to Go Safe every time you cross!’
‘We will,’ chorus the kids.
And we’ll Go Safe too, Ziggy.
‘Sab-a-Diong-a-Dù,’ tha Siogaidh a’ smèideadh agus e dèanamh deiseil airson a dhol a-steach dhan rocaid aige.
‘Cuimhnich Siubhal Sàbhailte a h-uile turas a thèid sibh tarsainn!’
‘Nì sinn sin,’ arsa chlann le aon ghuth.
Agus ni sinn Siubhal Sàbhailte cuideachd, a Siogaidh.
‘Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo,’ waves Ziggy as he gets ready tae gan intae his rocket!
‘Mind an Gan Safe every time ye cross!’
‘We wull,’ aw the weans shout thegither.
An we’ll Gan Safe an aw, Ziggy.