Ziggy and the Lollipop
Lollipop people are there to help children cross the road safely.
For nursery and primary school levels:
- P1
Ziggy learns how to cross the road safely with the lollipop person
Read and listen to this story about Ziggy as he discovers a new world of cars, kerbs and strange-looking lollipops, and what we all need to do to cross the road safely together.
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Ziggy and the Lollipop by Lynda Kennedy and Lynn Taylor
Siogaidh agus an Loilidh – Sgeulachd le Lynda Kennedy agus Deaibhan le Lynn Taylor
Ziggy an the Lollipop Story by Lynda Kennedy and illustrations by Lynn Taylor
Shout a big, huge loud-as-you-can hello to Ziggy!
He’s come all the way from the planet Cosmos to learn how to Go Safe.
Today Ziggy is going to meet a very special person.
Why don’t you come too?
Èigh halò mòr, cho àrd ‘s is urrainn dhut, ri Siogaidh!
Tha e air a tighinn air slighe bhon Phlanaid Cosmos gus ionnsachadh mu bhith a’ Siubhal Sàbhailte.
An-diugh tha Siogaidh a ’dol a choinneachadh ri cuideigin glè shònraichte.
Carson nach tig thusa còmhla rinn?
Shout a big, huge loud-as-you-can hullo tae Ziggy!
He’s come aw the wey fae the planet Cosmos tae learn hou
tae Gan Safe.
Ziggy is gan tae meet a gey special person the day.
Why no come an aw?

Mum, Andrew and Ziggy are taking Maggie to nursery for the first time.
Ziggy wonders if nursery school on this planet is as much fun as nursery school on his planet.
Tha Mamaidh, Anndra is Siogaidh a’ toirt Magaidh dhan sgoil-àraich airson a’ chiad uair.
Tha Siogaidh airson faighinn a-mach a bheil an sgoil-àraich air a’ phlanaid seo cho spòrsail ris an sgoil-àraich air a’ phlanaid aige fhèin.
Mum, Andrew an Ziggy are takin Maggie tae the nursery fir the furst time…
Ziggy wunners if nursery scuil oan this planet is as much fun as nursery scuil oan his planet.

On Ziggy’s planet you get to do all sorts of fun things like sticking and playing with gloopy stuff.
And if you’re really good the teacher gives you a big juicy cabbage.
(But you have to be really, really, really good for that.)
Air planaid Shiogaidh tha tòrr rudan spòrsail ri dèanamh mar stiocadh is cluiche le stuthan sleamhainn.
Agus ma tha thu uabhasach math bidh an tidsear à toirt dhut càl mòr blasta.
(Ach feumaidh tu bhith uabhasach, uabhasach, uabhasach math airson sin.)
Oan Ziggy’s planet ye get tae dae aw sorts o fun things like stickin an playin wi gloopy stuff.
An if ye’re really guid the teacher gies ye a big juicy cabbage.
(Bit ye hiv tae be really, really, really guid fir that.)

Ziggy can’t wait to see Maggie’s nursery.
He’s so excited that he races off ahead of the others.
‘Stop!’ shouts mum.
Tha fadachd air Siogaidh gus am faic e an sgoil-àraich ag Magaidh.
Tha e a’ ruith air thoiseach air an fheadainn eile.
‘Stad!’ tha Mamaidh ag èigheach.
Ziggy cannae wait tae see Maggie’s nursery.
He’s that excitit he races aff aheid o the ithers.
‘Stoap!’ shouts mum.

‘We’re not allowed to race off,’ says Andrew ‘because cars sometimes drive on the pavement.’
‘They do?’ asks Ziggy, his eyes widening.
‘Chan fhaod sinn ruith air thoiseach,’ tha Anndra ag ràdh, ‘oir tha càraichean uaireannan a’ dol air a’ chabhsair.’
‘A bheil?’ tha Siogaidh, a’ foighneachd agus a shùilean a’ fàs nas motha.
‘We’re no allowed tae race aff,’ says Andrew ‘fir cars sometimes drive oan the pavement.’
‘They dae?’ asks Ziggy, his een openin wide.

‘Yes,’ says Andrew, ‘when they’re going in and out of driveways.’
‘Oooh,’ says Ziggy, ‘what’s a driveway?’
Do you know what a driveway is?
Can you tell Ziggy?
‘Tha,’ tha Anndra ag ràdh, ‘nuair a tha iad a’ dol a-mach ‘s a-steach à draibh-taighe?’
‘Oooh,’ tha Siogaidh ag ràdh,‘ dè th ’ann an dràibh-taighe?’
A bheil fios agadsa dè th’ ann an dràibh-taighe?
An urrainn dhut innse do Shiogaidh?
‘Aye’ says Andrew, ‘when they’re gan in an oot o driveways.’
‘Oooh,’ says Ziggy, ‘whit’s a driveway?’
Dae you ken whit a driveway is?
Can ye tell Ziggy?

‘I don’t like it that cars can go on pavements,’ says Ziggy stamping his foot.
‘I don’t want to get squashed when I’m walking down the road.’
‘Cha toil leam gum bi càraichean a’ dol air na cabhsairean,’ tha Siogaidh ag ràdh ‘s e breabadh a chas.
‘Chan eil mi airson gun tèid mo phronnadh nuair a tha mi a’ coiseachd sìos an rathad.’
‘I dinna like it that caurs can gan oan pavements,’ says Ziggy, stampin his fuit.
‘A dinna want tae get squashed when A’m waulkin doon the road.’

‘But you weren’t walking were you, Ziggy?’ Maggie says crossly.
‘You were running!’
‘Don’t worry, Ziggy,’ smiles Andrew.
‘You won’t get squashed if you hold hands and walk with Mum.’
‘Ach cha robh thu a’ coiseachd, an robh a Shiogaidh?’ tha Magaidh ag ràdh gu crosta.
‘Bha thu a’ ruith!’
‘Na gabh dragh, a Shiogaidh,’ tha Anndra ag ràdh le gàire.
‘Cha tèid do phronnadh ma choisicheas tu còmhla ri Mamaidh agus greim agad ait a làimh.’
‘Bit you werenae waulkin wir ye, Ziggy?’ Maggie says crossly.
‘Ye wir rinnin!’
‘Dinna worry, Ziggy,’ smiles Andrew.
‘Ye’ll no get squashed if ye haud hauns an walk wi Mum.’

Ziggy decides to hold hands the rest of the way.
‘Nearly there,’ says Mum.
‘We’ll walk up a bit and cross with the lollipop lady.’
Tha Siogaidh a’ cur roimhe greim a chumail air làmhan an còrr dhan t-slighe.
‘Tha sinn gu bhith ann,’ tha Mamaidh ag ràdh.
‘Coisichidh sinn suas pios is thèid sinn tarsainn còmhla ri te an loilidh.’
Ziggy decides tae haud hauns the rest o the wey.
‘Nearly there,’ says Mum.
‘We’ll waulk up a bit an cross wi the lollipop wumman.’

Ziggy’s eyes widen.
‘A lollipop lady? Doesn’t she get eaten?’
Ziggy is glad that he’s not a lollipop lady.
It can’t be nice being licked all the time.
Tha sùilean Siogaidh a’ fàs mòr.
Tè an loilidh?
Nach eil daoine ga h-ithe?
Tha Siogaidh taingeil nach e tè loilidh a th’ ann.
Tha fhios nach eil e ro mhath daoine a bhith gad imleach an-còmhnaidh.
Ziggy’s een widen.
‘A lollipop wumman? Does she no get eaten?’
Ziggy is glad that he’s no a lollipop wumman.
It cannae be nice bein lickt aw the time.

‘Hi Andrew, Hi Maggie,’ says a lady with a big pole that says stop on it.
‘Who’s this wee man?’
‘Hai Anndra, Hai a Mhagaidh,’ arsa boireannach le pòla mòr a tha ag ràdh stad air.
‘Cò an duine beag a tha seo?’
‘Hi Andrew, Hi Maggie,’ says a wumman wi a big pole that says stoap oan it.
‘Who’s this wee man?’

‘This is our new friend, Ziggy,’ says Andrew proudly.
‘He’s visiting our planet to learn all about crossing the road safely.’
‘I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it in no-time, Ziggy’ smiles the lollipop lady.
‘Do you know who I am?’
‘Seo an caraid ùr againn, Siogaidh,’ tha Anndra ag ràdh gu pròiseil.
‘Tha e a’ tadhal air a’ phlanaid againn airson ionnsachadh mu bhith a’ dol tarsainn an rathaid gu sàbhailte.’
‘Tha mi cinnteach gun tog thu sin gu luath, a Shiogaidh’ tha tè an loilidh ag ràdh.
‘A bheil fios agad cò mise?’
‘This is oor new pal, Ziggy,’ says Andrew proudly.
‘He’s visitin oor planet tae learn aw aboot crossin the road safely.’
‘A’m shair ye’ll get the hang o it in nae-time,
Ziggy’ smiles the lollipop lady.
‘Dae ye ken who A am?’

Ziggy shakes his head.
He’s pretty sure he’s never seen this lady before.
Tha Siogaidh a’ crathadh a chinn.
Tha e gu math cinnteach nach fhaca e an tè seo riamh roimhe.
Ziggy shakes his heid.
He’s pretty sure he’s nivver seen this lady afore.

He wonders if she could be someone who’s on the telly.
Silly Ziggy.
Why don’t you whisper who she is in Ziggy’s ear?
‘Ah, you’re the lollipop lady!’ says Ziggy.
(He must have heard you!)
Tha e a’ smaoineachadh gura dòcha gu bheil i air an telebhisean.
Siogaidh gòrach.
Carson nach cuir thu cogair an cluais Shiogaidh a dh’innse cò i?
‘Aah, is sibhse tè an loilidh!’ tha Siogaidh ag ràdh.
(Feumaidh gun cuala e thu!)
He wunners if she cuid be somebodie who’s oan the telly.
Silly Ziggy.
Why dae ye no whisper who she is in Ziggy’s lug?
‘Ah, ye’re the lollipop wumman!’ says Ziggy.
(He must hiv heard ye!)

‘That’s right, Ziggy,’ she smiles.
‘It’s my job to help children cross the road safely. This is my lollipop.’
‘Tha sin ceart, a Shiogaidh,’ tha i ag ràdh le gàire.
‘S e an obair agamsa a bhith a cuideachadh chlionne gus a dhol tarsainn an rathaid gu sàbhailte.’
‘That’s richt, Ziggy,’ she smiles.
‘It’s ma joab tae help weans cross the road safely. This is ma lollipop.’

Ziggy takes a picture of the lollipop.
It doesn’t look much like any lollipop he’s ever seen.
For a start it’s much, much, much bigger.
And it says stop on it.
But there’s something about the bright yellow and red colours that make it look strangely tasty…
Tha Siogaidh a’ togail dealbh den loilidh.
Chan eil e coltach ri loilidh sam bith eile a chunnaic esan riamh.
Sa chiad àite, tha e fada, fada, fada nas motha.
Agus tha e ag ràdh stad air.
Ach tha rudeigin mu na dathan soilleir buidhe is dearg a tha ga dhèanamh gu math blasta a’ coimhead…
Ziggy taks a picter o the lollipop.
It doesnae luik much lik onie lollipop he’s ivver seen.
Fir a stert it’s much, much, much bigger.
An it seys stoap oan it.
Bit there’s something aboot the bricht yella and reid colours that mak it luik strangely tasty…

Ziggy zaps out his tongue and has a lick.
Yuckity yuck!!!!!
‘Ziggy, what are you doing?’ hisses Andrew.
‘It’s not a real lollipop.’
‘Oops!’ says Ziggy.
Tha Siogaidh a’ stiocadh a-mach a theanga is ga imleach.
Uuugghh! Tha sin grot!!!!!
‘A Shiogaidh, dè tha thu a’ dèanamh?’ tha Anndra ag ràdh.
‘Chan e loilidh ceart a th’ ann idir.’
‘O mo chreach!’ arsa Siogaidh.
Ziggy zaps oot his tongue an has a lick.
Yuckity yuck!!!!!
‘Ziggy, whit are ye daein?’ hisses Andrew.
‘It’s no a real lollipop.’
‘Oops!’ says Ziggy.

‘Now wee Ziggy,’ says the lollipop lady, ‘do you know what we have to do before we cross the road?’
Ziggy thinks.
He had no idea that you had to do anything before you crossed the road.
‘A-nis a Shiogaidh bhig,’ tha tè an loilidh ag ràdh.
‘A bheil fios agad dè a dh’fheumas sinn a dhèanamh mus tèid sinn tarsainn an rathaid?’
Tha Siogaidh a’ smaoineachadh.
Cha robh fios aige gun robh agad ri càil a dhèanamh mus deigheadh tu tarsainn an rathaid.
‘Nou wee Ziggy,’ says the lollipop wumman, ‘dae ye ken whit we hiv tae dae afore we cross the road?’
Ziggy thinks.
He had nae idea that ye had tae dae oniethin afore ye crosst the road.

‘Um… have breakfast?’ he mumbles.
His Mummy is always telling him that you can’t do anything without having breakfast.
‘Um … bracaist a ghabhail?’ tha e ag ràdh fo anail.
Tha a mhamaidh an-còmhnaidh ag ràdh nach urrainn dhut càil a dhèanamh mus gabh thu do bhracaist.
‘Um… hiv breakfast?’ he mumbles.
His mummy is ayeweys tellin him that ye cannae dae oniething withoot hivin yer breakfast.

‘We always have to wait before we cross the road,’ chips-in Maggie. ‘I’m a big nursery girl now, so I know lots.’
‘And we always have to hold hands,’ adds Andrew.
‘That’s really important.’
Ziggy holds hands and waits.
‘Feumaidh sinn an-còmhnaidh fuireach mus tèid sinn tarsainn an rathaid,’ tha Magaidh ag ràdh.
‘S e nighean mhòr sgoil-àraich a tha annam a-nis, is tha fios agamsa air tòrr.’
Agus feumaidh sinn an-còmhnaidh greim a chumail air làmhan, cuideachd,’ tha Anndra ag ràdh.
‘Tha sinn uabhasach cudromach.’
Tha Siogaidh a’ cumail greim air làmhan agus a’ fuireach.
‘We ayeweys hiv tae wait afore we cross the road,’ chips-in Maggie. ‘A’m a big nursery lassie nou, so A ken lots.’
‘An we ayeweys hiv tae haud hauns,’ adds Andrew.
‘That’s gey important.’
Ziggy hauds hauns and waits.

The lollipop lady stops the cars and tells the children that it’s safe to cross.
‘Here we go,’ says Mum.
‘Hold on everyone and keep looking and listening for traffic.’
Tha tè an loilidh a’ stad nan càraichean agus ag innse dhan a’ chloinn gu bheil e sàbhailte a dhol tarsainn.
‘Seo sinn a’ faibh,’ tha Mamaidh ag ràdh.
‘Cùm greim a h-uile duine agus cùm a’ coimhead agus ag èisteachd airson trafaig.’
The lollipop wumman stoaps the caur an tells the weans that it’s safe tae cross.
‘Here we go,’ says Mum.
‘Haud oan awbodie an keep luikin an listenin fir traffic.’

Everyone crosses safely to the other side.
‘Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo! Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo’! squeals Ziggy and gives Maggie and Andrew a big high five.
‘Dinga-Dabba-Poo-ooo!’ squeals Maggie, not getting it quite right.
Tha a h-uile duine a’ dol tarsainn gu sàbhailte chun an taoibh eile.
‘Sab-a-Diong-a-Dù! Sab-a-Diong-a-Dù!’ tha Siogaidh a’ sgiamhail is e a’ bualadh bhoisean le Magaidh is Anndra.
‘Dionga-Daba-Pù-ù!’ tha Magaidh a’ sgiamhail is gun i ga fhaighinn buileach ceart.
Awbodie crosses safely tae the ither side.
‘Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo! Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo’! squeals Ziggy and gies Maggie an Andrew a big high five.
‘Dinga-Dabba-Poo-ooo!’ squeals Maggie, no quite getting it richt.

‘Well done everyone!’ says Mum proudly.
‘Does that mean we can have a treat after school?’ asks Andrew excitedly.
‘We’ll see,’ smiles Mum.
‘Nach math a rinn a h-uile duine!’ tha Mamaidh ag ràdh gu proiseil.
‘A bheil sin a’ ciallachadh gum faod sinn rud math fhaighinn as dèidh na sgoile?’ tha Anndra a’ foighneachd.
‘Chì sinn,’ tha Mamaidh ag ràdh is gàire air a h-aodann.
‘Weel duin awbodie!’ says Mum proodly.
‘Does that mean we can hiv a treat efter school?’ asks Andrew aw excitit.
‘We’ll see,’ smiles Mum.

At home time, Andrew races over to Mum, Maggie and Ziggy.
‘Ziggy’s got a treat for you’ grins Mum.
Can you guess what treat Ziggy chose for Andrew?
A yellow and red lollipop!
Aig àm a dhol dhachaigh, tha Anndra a’ dol na ruith a-null gu Mamaidh, Magaidh agus Siogaidh.
‘Tha rudeigin math aig Siogaidh dhut’ tha Mamaidh ag ràdh.
A bheil fios agad dè an rud math a thagh Siogaidh airson Anndra?
Loilidh buidhe is dearg!
At hame time, Andrew races ower tae Mum, Maggie an Ziggy.
‘Ziggy’s goat a treat fir ye’ grins Mum.
Can ye guess whit treat Ziggy chose fir Andrew?
A yella and reid lollipop!

And what treat did Ziggy choose for himself?
A big juicy cabbage, of course.
‘The lollipops on your planet are yuck,’ Ziggy laughs.
Especially the big ones!’
Agus dè an rud math a thagh Siogaidh dha fhèin?
Dè eile ach càl, mòr blasta.
‘Tha no loilidhean air a’ phlanaid agaibhse grot,’ tha Siogaidh a’ gàireachdainn.
Gu h-àraid an fheadhainn mhòra! ’
An whit treat did Ziggy choose fir himself?
A big juicy cabbage, of course.
‘The lollipops oan yer planet are yuck,’ Ziggy laughs.
Maist ava the big yins!’