Headline news
Headline news class activity.
For secondary school levels:
- S4
- S5
- S6
Headline news
Road accidents tend to make headlines – especially when young drivers are involved. This activity is all about writing your own story using events based on real life incidents.
How to:
- Choose an incident from the three following options:
Incident 1
The story
A mother, who was stranded when her teething baby ate a vital part of her car key, managed to start the engine by pressing him close to the steering wheel. Her child swallowed a pill-sized electronic chip and when she pressed him against the wheel and turned the key, the car started.Serious points to consider
Manufacturers must consider the safety of small children when designing cars. Automatic devices can be dangerous for children.Headline idea
Vroom baby vroom
(better still – make your own!)Incident 2
The story
Eight people were injured when an overhanging tree sliced the roof off a double-decker bus.Serious points to consider
Cutting back overgrown trees and buses at the side of the road is vital for the safety of bigger vehicles. Bus drivers should report any overhanging trees to the council. Is it now safer downstairs on the bus?Headline idea
Tree chops number 3
(better still – make your own!)Incident 3
The story
A policeman on a mountain bike chased and arrested a drunk driver who had driven off in a van. The man was banned from driving for a year and fined £200 by the court after being convicted of driving while under the influence.Serious points to think about
People who drink and drive are a danger to themselves and other on the road. Is the fine heavy enough? Is a year long enough for a driving ban?Headline idea
Van man cops it
(better still – make your own!) - Think up an attention-grabbing headline. You could also find a good picture to illustrate it.
- Write your story in a style that will keep the reader interested. Include relevant details and add in pictures, quotes, and facts.
- Make one serious point in the report. And then speculate as to what might happen next.
Class activity: Use these questions as discussion points or thought starters in pairs or in a group.
- How can we get people to take safe driving more seriously?
- Are the laws in place now fair?
- How can we, as individuals, make a difference?
- Personal safety, drink driving, and distraction are featured in some way in the incidents above. Have you been in any situations where these have resulted in an accident or near accident?