
Even a small increase in speed can make a big difference.

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  • Serious injuries and death

  • Potential ban

  • Minimum £100 fine

  • Minimum three points

Keep to the speed limit

Speeding can have big consequences. These statistics show the difference it makes.


Speeding contributes to 1 in 5 deaths on Scotland’s roads.


Because speeds are higher on rural roads they account for almost three quarters (74%) of road deaths.


Fatal collisions caused by drivers going at 65mph could be halved if the drivers slowed down by just 5mph.

You only have to lose control once

A collision could happen to anyone – no matter how good a driver you think you are.

You only have to lose control once.

Speeding effects that can last a long time

Lose your licence, or even your vehicle

Motorcyclist on country road

Potentially lose your job, or business, if you can’t drive

Face a huge increase in vehicle insurance

Serious or fatal injuries

Speeding is more likely to cause serious or fatal injuries to other road users. Going too fast can affect innocent people’s lives forever.

Know the speed limits

The speed limit is 30 miles an hour (48km/h) for all single and dual carriageways with street lights – unless there are signs showing otherwise.

Please remember that speed limits are not a target. Driving at a lower speed than the limit may be a better option, depending on the situation.

Other things worth bearing in mind:

  • Speed limits vary for different vehicles
  • Different roads have different speed limit


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