Road safety learning and the seven principles of Curriculum for Excellence
The table below shows the progression and development of children’s attitudes towards road safety and driving, and how these learnings ultimately develop key life skills.
The seven principles
All learning and teaching for children and young people must factor in the following seven principles:
Young people, as road users, experience continuous progression in their learning with each stage building upon earlier knowledge and achievements.
Young people, as road users, are given opportunities to draw on previous experiences and apply these to new situations.
Young people, as road users, see the value of what they are learning and its relevance to their lives.
Young people have the opportunity to learn and develop as road users through a range of experiences.
Personalisation and choice
Young people are given increasing opportunity for exercising responsible personal choice as road users.
Challenge and enjoyment
Road safety learning provides young people with experiences that are challenging at an appropriate level.
Road safety learning provides young people with opportunities for activities which draw different strands of learning together.